Sur le blog de LT GASETECHNIK, vous trouverez des informations sur les projets et les développements actuels pour différents secteurs.

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Double redundancy through gas mixer switching with double gas analysis and backup system

878 494 Alexander Hanf

A German automobile manufacturer demands special security when it comes to the supply with welding gas. A redundant supply conceptwith two LT gas mixers and a back-up bundle supply is used for this. Every week, there is an automatic switch-over between the two gas mixers in order to ensure that they are used evenly and…

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High flows, remotely controlled

878 494 Alexander Hanf

Dome pressure regulator LTD-1 with electronically controlled proportional valve for remote control of high flow rates Design according to individual requirements; Configuration example: Inlet pressure max. 60 barg Outlet pressure 0…52 barg Performance 1…200 Nm³/h Suitable for all technical gases If the supply voltage fails, the dome pressure controller closes (safe  switch-off) Set point and…

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SO2 field cabinet for health protection

878 494 Alexander Hanf

SO 2 in breathing air Sulfur dioxide concentrations in breathing air that are above the maximum workplace concentration of 2.7 mg/m³ sulfur dioxide (SO2) in air can lead to headaches, nausea and drowsiness in humans. At higher concentrations, the bronchi and lungs are severely damaged. SO2 bottles are often stored indoors for temperature control, also…

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SO2 supply line for float glass production

878 494 Alexander Hanf

To supply the roller cooling furnace of a float glass production line in Central Asia with diluted sulfur dioxide (SO2), LT GASETECHNIK supplies the system technology of the SO2 supply system. The SO2 plant receives: Sulfur dioxide 1.5 to 8.5 barg 125 to 1250 Nl/h Nitrogen 2.0 to 5.0 barg 0.4 to 1000 Nl/h Compressed…

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Hardening kiln: Quality improvement through defined atmosphere supply

878 494 Alexander Hanf

By using LT gas mixers tempering kilns for the hardening process are supplied with an atmosphere having a defined methane value. This resulted in a significant improvement in quality of the parts to be cured: reject rates have been reduced by 5% down to absolute zero. As part of the renovation and repair of several…

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Low temperature switch off

878 494 Alexander Hanf

Low temperature shutdown: PLC controlled with touch screen, with programmable logic controller, can be individually parameterized for the application, incl. Resistance thermometer, shaft-driven cryo shut-off valve, flashing light + horn, assembled ready for installation in a console with a roof Equipment according to your specifications

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New pictures of our pressure control panels

878 494 Alexander Hanf

More pictures with the following link

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Free app for gas composition calculation

878 494 Alexander Hanf

In the app stores from Google (for Android)  and Apple we provide an  free App to calculate the setting of dosing valves for gas mixtures. This App supportsin setting up  the gas mixture at  LT Gasmixer for two or three gases. This app helps to calculate corresponding volume flows and percentages The first choice is…

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MFC-based technology to mix 5 gases

878 494 Alexander Hanf

Europe’s leading manufacturer of welding consumables, ordered from LT GASETECHNIK a gas mixer for the 5 gases. This is for the gases Argon, Nitrogen, Carbon Dioxide, Helium and Oxygen With this gas mixer, the company is able to produce a large variety of gas mixtures, and aims to find the best suitable gas mix for…

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