Sur le blog de LT GASETECHNIK, vous trouverez des informations sur les projets et les développements actuels pour différents secteurs.

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Two staged pressure control system

700 700 Alexander Hanf

2-staged pressure control system consists of: High pressure regulator with inlet pressure switch for monitoring the pressure status with reduction to an intermediate pressure of 1 … 8 barg Safety valve to protect the low pressure regulator, response pressure 10 barg Solenoid valve DN25, normally open Low pressure regulator for 70 … 110 mbarg outlet…

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Health risk when storing SO2 bottles

878 494 Alexander Hanf

Article in « Technical Security » Volume 9, October 2019:   Sulfur dioxide is often used as a protective gas in the glass or metal industry. It is usually set up in pressurized gas cylinders for temperature control next to thermoprocessing plants. The necessary risk assessment for the storage of sulfur dioxide in accordance with Section 5…

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LT Pressure Control Unit in stainless steel

1000 667 Alexander Hanf

LTD-1 based pressure control unit Type 3 in stainless steel with shut-off fittings Stainless steel dome loaded pressure controller with pilot controller, outlet pressure gauge and shut off valves Learn more about pressure controlling units

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New video of a float glass process gas supply in a 40 ft. container

1024 369 Alexander Hanf

Once again, a well-known manufacturer of flat glass has entrusted LT GASETECHNIK with delivery of the gas supply system for a new float glass line. Philip Weyer created a short video with a camera drone for you. In this you also get a brief overview of the LT building and an insight into part of…

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Technical article on lean air systems in CITplus and Chemmanager

1024 700 Alexander Hanf

CITplus / Chemanager published a paper on lean air systems. The article is also been published on Since it is only available in German, here a short abstract: Lean Air Manufacturers of synthetic resins for coatings and paints use artificially produced „air“ with less oxygen to supply the solvent boiler. For safety reasons, during the…

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Redundant pressure control station for H2/N2 with safety valves

600 400 Alexander Hanf

For Hydrogen: Inlet pressure 5 -10 barg Outlet pressure regulated in range 0,5 – 2 barg Flow min 20 – 40 Nm3/h For Nitrogen: Inlet pressure max 15 barg Outlet pressure regulated in range 0,5 – 2 barg Flow min 20 – 45 Nm3/h Completely mounted and tested for easy on-site installation.

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2 inch dome loaded pressure controller LTD-2

878 494 Alexander Hanf

Properties of the 2 inch dome loaded pressure controller LTD-2 Precise and instantaneous pressure control without “wobbling“ even with large variations For almost all technical gasesBroad performance: 10 .. 5.000 Nm3/hInlet 5 .. 69 bar Outlet    0.1 .. 65 barSealing material: EPDM seals and diaphragmInstallation length approx. 222 mm, height approx. 220 mmConnection inlet and…

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IoT in the gas mixing technology

878 494 Alexander Hanf

Remote-controlled gas mixers with their own homepage, mail service and with connection to a higher-level control system make the gas mixing technology Industry of Things (IoT) suitable. LT GASETECHNIK has extensive experience with these systems. Our knowledge of plant engineering influences the progress of development in series gas mixers. Our customers often choose the following…

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Novelty: Gas mixer for Novec

878 494 Alexander Hanf

We have successfully commissioned the first LT gas mixer for Fluoronitrile (Novec) with nitrogen, technical air or CO2 at our customer. This gas mixture is considered an environmentally friendly alternative to sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) as a dielectric insulating gas in medium and high voltage engineering, especially in gas insulated switchgears (GIS). SF6 is considered a powerful…

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