Gas mix calculator

This calculator supports you in setting LT gas mixers for two or three gases. The corresponding volume flows and percentages are calculated.

Recommended approach:

First select whether a gas mixture should be calculated for two or three gases. For gas mixtures with two gases, only two of five possible values need to be entered: Total quantity, carrier gas volume, carrier gas proportion, additional gas volume, additional gas proportion. For gas mixtures with three gases, at least three of seven possible values must be entered.

After clicking on the ‘Calculate mixture’ button, the results including the previously entered values are displayed. The respective volume flow can be read off directly and then set at the gas mixer’s dosing valves. The desired gas mixture is then generated in a traceable manner (reading the flow rate on the flow meters in each gas line).

Gas composition calculator

LT gas mixer in detail: Efficient gas control and simple function control

If you are not using an LT gas mixer, here is an explanation of what this is for: LT gas mixers have flow meters in each carrier gas and admixing gas line, each with an optical display. This means that the actual gas volume flows can be read directly. The flow meters provide a constant and reliable gas volume flow and thus enable a simple and quick function check through the viewing window in the front door of the gas mixer cabinet. All metering valves used are matched to the required flow rate of the respective gas line. This combination of gas type and pressure-specific adjustment via equal-pressure control with dome pressure regulators, variable area flow meters and dosing valves offers a high degree of accuracy and convenience when adjusting the gas mixture. This ensures a reproducibility of the gas mixture of ≤ ± 0.5 vol% (at the same temperature of the individual gases).

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