LT GASETECHNIK is a prequalified company

351 351 Alexander Hanf

LT GASETECHNIK ist präqualifiziert

As of today, LT GASETECHNIK is prequalified and has thus proven its suitability for public contracts to the Chamber of Industry and Commerce. The entry was made in the AVPQ directory, the official nationwide directory for the supply and service sector. This includes potential companies that have proven their suitability and the absence of grounds for exclusion and are regularly checked for this by the Chambers of Industry and Commerce. An entry in the official list creates much greater legal certainty for both the companies and the contracting authorities than the submission of individual proofs and the awarding authority now only needs the certificate as proof without having to check the wealth of individual proofs.

We will be happy to provide you with the registration number and the certificate on request: mail@lt-gasetechnik.com