40th gas mixing plant with SIL protection: Safety at the highest level

1024 578 Neele Jütten

We are pleased to have delivered our 40th gas mixing plant with SIL protection! But what does SIL actually mean and what does it mean in the context of Hashtag#gasmixing plants?

SIL (Safety Integrity Level) is a measure of the reliability of safety functions, defined according to IEC 61508/IEC61511. There are four levels, with SIL 4 representing the highest safety requirement. The operator determines the required SIL level as part of a risk assessment (HAZOP) in order to minimize potential risks to health, the environment and plant technology.

Why SIL for gas mixing plants? Our customers require SIL circuits in the following areas:

1. LEAN AIR (for synthetic Hashtag#resin production):
Lean air, a mixture of compressed air and nitrogen with a reduced oxygen content (4-10%), is often used in synthetic resin production. Our LT GASETECHNIK lean air systems offer:
– SIL 1 or 2 gas analyzers for precise control of the oxygen content
– Continuous monitoring and optimization of the oxygen concentration
– Automatic, safe shutdown or bypass switching if limit values ​​are exceeded
– Prevention of deflagrations and serious accidents in potentially explosive areas with safety level SIL 1 or SIL 2

2. SNG – natural gas replacement:
When producing SNG (e.g. mixture of propane with air, possibly also hydrogen) as a naturalgas replacement, our systems offer:
– SIL 2 oxygen Hashtag#gasanalyzer for precise monitoring
– SIL 2 differential pressure monitoring to control the gas flows
– Independent SIL 2 shutdown for maximum safety
– Comprehensive safety functions, independent of the gas mixer control
– Limit switches and special fittings to avoid explosive gas mixtures in the factory network with safety level SIL 2

The trend towards increased Safety also extends to forming gas mixers (hydrogen-nitrogen mixtures). Our solutions include:
– SIL 1 hydrogen gas analyzer for precise concentration measurement
– SIL 1 differential pressure monitoring to control the mixing ratios
– SIL 1 shutdown for quick response in the event of deviations
– Safe monitoring and prevention of impermissible hydrogen enrichment in the process gas with safety level SIL 1

Added value of gas mixing plant from LT GASETECHNIK:
– 40 successfully delivered gas mixing systems with SIL protection
– Extensive wealth of experience in various application areas
– Individual, tailor-made solutions according to customer requirements
– Continuous development of our safety systems

Each system is calculated individually and the specific SIL circle is calculated and verified by trained experts.
Interested in the highest process safety for your gas mixing system?

We would be happy to prepare an tailored offer. Contact us: mail@lt-gasetechnik.com