Gas mixtures of natural gas and hydrogen are very a hot topic. LT GASETECHNIK has been manufacturing plants for natural gas mixtures for decades. Highly precise gas mixing systemscan reproducibly generate the required gas mixture composition with adapted measurement, control and analysis systems. These gas mixers are often used for test stands in test centers, laboratories or experimental setups. This e. g. for
- World market natural gas generation combinations of e. g. propane, butane, hydrogen, nitrogen, etc.
- Gas enrichment with hydrogen or leaning of gases (e.g. with nitrogen)
- Reserve supply (e.g. mixture of hydrogen or other fuel gases)
Here is an example of a recently successfully delivered and commissioned plant for the production of world market natural gas variants (also outside the G260 band)
Two different gas mixtures supply several dozen test stands at the same time
- Gas mixtures from CH4, N2, H2, CO2, C3H8, and two special gases
- including Methane gas flow heating and trace heating for propane gas
- Dynamic, i.e. continuously controlled admixture
- Fully Automated, controllable via a PLC-based system control, mounted in a control cabinet
- Maximum output per gas mixture line (two in total) 0.4 … 44 Nm³ / h
- Recipe memory and recipe selection with the help of 14 subordinate control panels, so that the gas mixture can be preselected directly on the test stand
- Integration of over 100 solenoid valves in the locking and flushing concept
- Scope of delivery and services: Project planning, production, delivery, assembly, commissioning, training, documentation, service
Please contact us for your individual solution on the subject of “natural gas mixtures”: