In the LT GASETECHNIK blog you will find information on projects and current developments for various industries.

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Nitrogen supply to the Austrian pharmaceutical industry

150 150 Juri Raffetseder

One of Austria’s most prestigious manufacturers of pharmaceutical plants has placed an order with LT GASETECHNIK for a control station to ensure the supply of high purity Nitrogen. It is about regulating both pressure and volume flow of Nitrogen, which is to be used on a very sensitive pharmaceutical process that at times, requires rather…

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LT GASETECHNIK is a prequalified company

351 351 Alexander Hanf

LT GASETECHNIK ist präqualifiziert As of today, LT GASETECHNIK is prequalified and has thus proven its suitability for public contracts to the Chamber of Industry and Commerce. The entry was made in the AVPQ directory, the official nationwide directory for the supply and service sector. This includes potential companies that have proven their suitability…

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Oxygen trace analysis in technical gases

1024 491 Alexander Hanf

Measurement of oxygen content with Southland gas analyzers

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Guest article in gwf Gas + Energie

1000 667 Alexander Hanf

You can read a detailed report on the following project in our guest article in the September 2022 issue of gwf Gas + Energie. The GWI’s customers require inspections and tests of gas appliances, gas fireplaces and fittings with variable gas mixtures, for example. To this end, GWI recently ordered a modern gas mixing…

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Lecture at the VILF (Association of Paint and Varnish Engineers)

787 494 Alexander Hanf

With around 600 individual members and over 100 company members from the paint and coatings industry, VILF (Association of Paint and Coatings Engineers) is the platform for professional exchange, networking and further training. The VILF team includes 9 board members and 13 district group leaders. They all work on a voluntary basis and…

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Guest article in CHEMIE TECHNIK

1000 667 Alexander Hanf

Due to the natural gas shortage, many affected companies are currently desperately looking for practicable alternatives that can be supplied at short notice. One of these can be Synthetic Natural Gas (SNG). What needs to be considered when using SNG? SNG is an “artificial” natural gas that can be produced as a gas mixture of…

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Natural gas shortage? Replacement with SNG without burner replacement! Receive initial information in the free digital event

150 150 Alexander Hanf

Erdgasmangel – Informieren Sie sich bei weyer connect! Free, digital event entitled“Alternative fuels: availability and need for adaptation in the industry” on the topic of replacing natural gas/support in a shortage situation/conversion to other fuels/natural gas shortage. On Wednesday, January 25, 2023 from 09:00 to 13:30, four speakers will approach the topic from…

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No carnival at LT GASETECHNIK

1024 461 Alexander Hanf

What does carnival look like at LT GASETECHNIK? Instead of celebrating carnival, our superheroes ♂️♂️♂️ are hitting the weekend and finishing off gas mixers. Thanks guys for your commitment , I’m proud of you! This is what carnival looks like at LT GASETECHNIK! The six red gas mixers are each designed…

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🐞 The first “real” gas mixer bug

150 150 Alexander Hanf

The use of the term “bug” for error goes back to the famous computer software bug of 1947, in which a real bug was the cause of the error. We had our own historic moment with a bug this week.   Our customer’s gas analyzer showed incorrect values, although the LT gas mixer with manual…

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40th gas mixing plant with SIL protection: Safety at the highest level

1024 578 Neele Jütten

We are pleased to have delivered our 40th gas mixing plant with SIL protection! But what does SIL actually mean and what does it mean in the context of Hashtag#gasmixing plants?

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